Homemade wet dog food

Homemade Chicken, Rice, and Bulgur Dog Food for Large Dogs. How Can I Feed Stale Bread to My Dogs? How to Make Homemade Wet Dog Food?


Our large furry friends, dogs, whom we feed and take care of in our homes or in comfortable environments where they will live their lives peacefully.
Utilizing stale bread for both feeding and recycling purposes, I have written down the process of making homemade dog food
with simple ingredients that can be prepared for our friends and street animals.
Every day, I feed one of my own dogs and two stray dogs. Let’s see the dogs, maybe the meal idea for large dogs can be helpful for you.



1 kg Chicken (Bone-in, meaty back)
500 g Rice
500 g Bulgur
Rock salt or regular salt


We put our chickens in a pot filled with hot water, add salt, and bring it to a boil. After the chicken meat is cooked, we remove the chickens and let them cool down. Once the chicken has cooled, we remove the bones to prevent any harm to our dogs’ digestive systems, stomachs, and mouths.

We put the meat back into the pot and boil it again. To the boiling chicken mixture, we add rice and bulgur, stir, and let it simmer over low heat. While it’s cooking, we stir occasionally. As the rice and bulgur absorb the liquid, we add hot water as needed, stirring constantly, until it reaches a porridge-like consistency. We cook it for about 30 minutes over low heat.

After reaching the desired consistency, we let the mixture cool down and store the leftovers in the refrigerator for later use.

(You can follow the pictures.)

For the preparation with stale bread: We soak the stale bread in water to soften it. Then, we add the softened stale bread to our rice and bulgur mixture, stir, and the meal is ready to serve. 🙂

Bon appétit to your furry friend!




















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