
Is it possible to make money by blogging?

Can you make money by blogging? What are some common misconceptions about earning income through blogging? Ideas for starting a blog from scratch.

Can you make money by blogging? If you’re not familiar with technical topics, you’re reading an article written just for you. Yes, it’s possible to earn money through blogging, but expecting short-term income is a big mistake.

Goal: With smartphones enabling advertisements to reach users anytime, social media and internet platforms spend millions of dollars on ads. One method to get a share of this large pie is through blogging. This article will explain how to earn money by blogging. I’ll focus not on the technical aspects but on the difficulty level and what needs to be done.

The common question for anyone considering earning through blogging is whether they can do it or not. ‘Can I do it?’ and ‘Can I earn?’ are the shared concerns. Yes, you can. There are people earning money through blogging, and you can too. However, if you’re going to do it alone, you’ll need a considerable amount of time and understanding of computer language.

If I illustrate with two individuals, I’m sure you can see yourself entering this field and saving time by putting yourself in one of their shoes


Sincerely and genuinely;

There’s a saying that goes ‘Time is money.’ The purpose of this article is to help you make a more suitable plan. It’s written by me to prevent your time and money from going to waste, and most importantly, to prevent you from experiencing disappointment.

If you’re considering making money by blogging, writing a blog post is simple. Whether you have the knowledge or not, you can create a blog site about topics that interest you. Having a good blog idea is great, but when it comes to implementation and getting into technical matters, it can be quite challenging and time-consuming.

Even if it’s a site with a specific fee that you receive after you determine its name, to make money, you’ll need technical knowledge in places like Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, and selling ad space, and all of these will take time. Things like code SEO compatibility, search console, WordPress plugins, etc., are things you need to know and learn if you want to make money from your site. To be realistic, without having a thorough understanding of technical knowledge, setting up a site and earning money with little investment will take quite some time.



One of the example individuals I’m about to introduce here. Individuals who have no time constraints or financial worries, and who have alternative sources of income while learning the technical aspects of a blog site at their computers, won’t face any problems in blogging and learning the technical details.

For instance, for individuals with fixed income that covers monthly expenses such as bills, groceries, clothing, rent, etc., and who have no time constraints, learning technical matters won’t pose a problem. However, this situation won’t guarantee quick money but will only ensure comfort in terms of self-sufficiency in technical aspects. Don’t succumb to pessimism; you can do it. The difficulty of technical details or the fear of failure is certainly not an issue. Some successful bloggers who manage their own blog websites have entered into these endeavors as novices and succeeded.


Let’s consider the options for earning money from a blog site other than Adsense advertisements. These methods include:

  • Affiliate Marketing
    Selling Products or Services
    Selling Your Blog
    Content Marketing
    Product Reviews
    Sponsored Content

The methods mentioned above for earning money are related to the quality of your writing and website, as well as the site’s hits, or click-through rates. The advertisements or promotions you receive will depend on the quality of your site and articles. With consistent activity and traffic driven by the quality of your site and content, your earnings will increase over time. All of these methods imply that a new site requires time and effort to generate income.

For those experiencing time and income constraints, what can they do?

What you’ve read above emphasizes that running a blog site requires time, effort, and that the path to income isn’t straightforward; it requires careful planning.

Making money and achieving a prosperous life is a common struggle for all of us. You may be someone with different ideas, a passion for writing, expertise in a particular field like veterinary medicine, a farmer who understands the land, a child health specialist, an excellent chef, or someone who enjoys reading literature and philosophy. You might find yourself lacking time due to your job or having no knowledge about setting up a blog or website. You may work full-time, spend your time outside of work with family or resting, and think you don’t have time to dedicate to setting up a blog site. You might even hesitate to start a blog because you believe it would create issues with your full-time job. It’s okay if you don’t know how to use a computer other than a smartphone.

I’m 40 years old, and believe me, I’ve seen many knowledgeable and skilled individuals with different perspectives, who we didn’t even know existed, and who we could learn a lot from when they write.



What can you do? Making money through blogging takes time. Don’t quit your job thinking you’ll earn money by blogging.

You love researching and want to start blogging, but you don’t have the time and have a stable job. Quitting your job for a blog site when you can’t spare time is a big risk. In such a situation, reaching out to people who have already started a blog site is the best step.

By writing your posts for just one hour a day, you’ll have three posts per week, which will not only drive traffic to your blog site but also start earning you some income gradually. During this time, while you’re doing your current job, your blog site will generate passive income for you. You’ll have a designer who publishes your posts according to your preferences, with the images you want (copyright-free) or the ones you’ve taken.

This will save you time and won’t disrupt your current routine.

There are various ways to accomplish this. You can have a website built from scratch, have 3-5 posts added, and then receive brief training to upload the subsequent posts yourself.

Alternatively, you can send your posts to someone who edits them for your website on a per-article basis or through a monthly agreement. You can then request them to upload the posts to your blog site.


In this case, your website will be registered with Google Adsense on your behalf, allowing you to generate income. By working with a technical team on a ready-made site, you’ll start on your own and depending on the situation, your site will start generating revenue more quickly, and you’ll learn faster. When your site consistently generates income in such a system, you’ll only need to learn how to update and upload content aside from the monthly fees for your site.

Perhaps you’ll even turn it into your sole source of income, quitting your job to continue blogging and mastering all technical aspects. You may become a skilled designer who not only advances in this field but also starts offering paid services to set up blog sites for people in your circle, aside from managing your own blog site.

High-Traffic Blog Topics: Reviews, Travel, Recipes, Recommendations, How-To Guides, Bodybuilding, Gardening, Interior Design, Animals, Business Ideas, Making Money from Home, Making Money Online


I hope what I’ve written has a positive impact on you. I wanted to share my observations to prevent physically worn-out bodies and minds from futile efforts and to provide you with a roadmap. It’s impossible not to earn money by blogging. By researching highly read topics or writing about subjects you’re interested in, you’ll definitely earn with the right choices. However, you must chart a course. I’ve tried to convey my observations to create this roadmap for you. Success is certain, but the road is long.

Best wishes,

Where can I find illustrations, vectors, music, and videos for my blog site, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook? The best, simplest, easiest royalty-free image website.

Copyright, what is it?

Copyright is the legal right that prevents the copying and use of artistic works and products created by individuals through their ideas, labor, and thought process.

Preventing the unauthorized use of the work without the consent of the owner is legally referred to as Copyright.

Copyright infringements can lead to situations such as the cessation of website advertising revenues, cancellation of subscriptions on other platforms, and complete loss of income. Legal and criminal proceedings can be initiated.

Depending on the situation, videos uploaded to YouTube or images, vectors, illustrations, and music added to your blog site may be subject to copyright. It can be determined by the creator who can use them. Copyright is a concern for everyone in the idea of making money online. Therefore, I would like to recommend a website with simple usage to you.

Pixabay da telifsiz resim, müzik, video, illüstrasyon ve vektörleri ücretsiz olarak indirebilirsiniz.

As a member, you can choose to provide financial support to those who upload images or earn income through a donation system by uploading your own pictures.

The path to free content: Join Pixabay and search for the image you need. For example, search for ‘Coffee’ and select an image you like from the results. Click on the download option on the right to download it. Before clicking on the green download button on the right side of the screen, liking or following the image owner will boost morale for the site and its users. Click on the free download button and choose your desired size (640×426 – 6000 × 4000) to download. You’ll see a message on the screen saying ‘Free for commercial use. No attribution required.’ Thanks to its Turkish language support, the site is very easy to use. Some of the images used in this article were taken from the Pixabay website.

Stay healthy.

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